Education Materials
Handouts and Articles
Plant This Not That - A Michigan Guide for Native Plant Alternatives
How to collect and grow milkweed grow milkweeds to help monarch and other pollinators, MSU Extension
Leave the leaves in the Fall, Xerces Society
Soft Landings, Heather Holm
Picking Plants for Pollinators: The Cultivar Conundrum, Justin Wheeler - Xerces Society
Guide to Bird-Friendly Gardens - Detroit Audubon
Container Gardening With Native Plants - Missouri Botanical Garden
Native Plant Container Gardening - Grow Native Missouri Prairie Foundation
Plant and Pollinator Identifiers
“100 Plants to Feed the Bees”, The Xerces Society
“100 Plants to Feed the Monarchs”, The Xerces Society
“A New Garden Ethic: Cultivating Defiant Compassion for an Uncertain Future”, Benjamin Vogt
“Bringing Nature Home”, Douglas W. Tallamy
“Design Your Natural Midwest Garden”, Patricia Hill
“Lawns Into Meadows”, Owen Wormser
“Mini Meadows”, Mike Lizotte
“Native Plants of the Midwest”, Alan Branhagen
“Native Plant Gardening for Birds, Bees & Butterflies: Upper Midwest”, Jaret C. Daniels
“Nature’s Best Hope”, Douglas W. Tallamy
“Pollinator Conservation Handbook”, The Xerces Society
“Pollinators of Native Plants”, Heather Holm
“Prairie Up: An Introduction to Natural Garden Design”, Benjamin Vogt
“Raising Butterflies in the Garden”, Brenda Dziedzic
“The Bees in Your Backyard”, Joseph S. Wilson and Olivia Messinger Carril
“The Humane Gardner”, Nancy Lawson
“The Midwestern Native Garden - native alternatives to nonnative flowers and plants”, Charlotte Adelman & Bernard L. Schwartz
“The Pollinator Victory Garden”, Kim Eierman