Stop by and see us to learn about pollinator habitat and native plants. You can also grab a swag bag for donation.
If you’re interested in volunteering to help us with this event. See the below information along with a link to fill out the volunteer form.
Parking: The downtown area will be quite busy with the market so walking or cycling over might be a good way to go as most downtown parking lots will be full.
What you will be doing: We will set up between 8:30am and 9am which will likely involve setting up table, signs, putting out educational materials and swag bags, and generally getting situated. We expect to be busy greeting passersby and answering questions about plants and gardening, handing out swag bags for donations, and sharing information about Plymouth Pollinators. We will be asking customers to use credit card as much as possible. If we run out of materials and swag or if weather conditions are poor, we will shut down. Otherwise, we will need help with clean-up and tear down at 3:00.
Restrooms: There are restrooms nearby in the Gathering area.
Age: We ask that volunteers be at least 17 years old.
What you should bring: You might be thankful to have a water bottle and a snack. We will have a few folding chairs and we'll be located under a tent for shelter. Michigan weather can be unpredictable in April, so be sure to layer up or layer down depending on the temperatures.
Click here to complete the volunteer form.
Have questions or have accessibility-related needs? Please email